Monday, May 16, 2005

Start the truck up Johnny!!!

I was supposed to go boat fishing with Ken.

But he cancelled again...

And it looks like I'll be going to Japan during the school term instead of during the last week of the holidays.

I choose for my General Elective Module, SOHO, Small Office Home Office, a subject that really intrigues me.... Hopefully, we'll learn how to set up DNS Servers and stuff..

So sian..

Comrade Trevor sent me an email with some bullshit crap, asking me for "help" with things I supposedly "helped" him with before. Like real I helped him before... So obvious he's testing to see if I know it's him.. For those skeptics, he never replied again so there u have even more evidence.
Dumbass prick...

And what's this about ppl getting into trouble with their blogs..? stupid pissheads...
It's, not

I'm getting better with my programming. I can now add PHP and VC++ to my list of languages.

Speaking of languages, I'm pretty interested in Latin, Spanish and French right now.
Really cool languages, the former being a highly complex language, not to mention cryptic :p, and the rest being pretty cool street languages, so to speak... :p

Maybe I'll learn German too... and perhaps a bit of Japanese(with extra care to preserve my accent though[I'm proud of my neutral and occasionally slurred method of speech]).

Car tycoon is a very interesting game but it's a bit confusing especially since the tutorials ain't that good... Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 is also quite nice except that it's mission based, something I'm not too fond off especially if that's the only option..

I can't wait for Stargate - The Alliance to come out. Pretty cool game based on the hit SCI-Fi TV Program, Stargate-SG1 and all her million-dollar sister franchises like Stargate-Atlantis, etc...

Oh well, my writing ain't that interesting. If I've got nothing to talk about, I can't write well...
Don't believe me, read Neil Humphrey's articles. Incredible funny satirical pieces but always based on something. And one or two stories from his second book where the subject was rather vague, wasn't too nice.


I know what I'll do... I'll read the newspaper and find things to lament on... :p

Which reminds me, I wanna talk about Penn & Teller, Bullshit, the TV Programme. It's incredibly biased but it's rather funny... Sort of akin to Dan Brown's the Da Vinci Code. It's all full of crap and baseless lies, but the first parts were a bit interesting..

Remind me to talk about it... :p

FusionStream, out.

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