Friday, April 29, 2005

The Joys of Liquid Soap.

Liquid soap. The epitome of "personal" hygiene.

I'm a firm believer of liquid soap when you're sharing the stuff with other people. My reason is simple. When using ordinary bar soap, some nitwits will inconsiderately rub the entire bar of soap all over their body. This also results in certain pieces of hair lodging themselves in the soap. I find this disgusting... Wouldn't you?

My musings:
A majority of Chinese in Singapore are snobs when it comes to helping others out. Regardless of how nice they really are when conversing or socialising. Their "business-like" minds I guess.

The malays on the other hand. They're always willing to help. I'll give you an example, I was fishing one time and i forgot my phone. So I wanted to call my mom to tell them so. I approached 2 separate Chinese men. They gave the standard reply that they didn't have a phone. Then i approached this Malay guy. Instantly he took out his phone and handed it to me. And although there are Chinese who would also help you, it isn't the same as the Malays. The Malays exhibit full trust based on one condition. How you approach them.

It's true. I've always felt more at ease with the Malays, like I'm at home. And although I do have fun with the Chinese or the Indians, I'm never entirely relaxed with them.

My Progress:
My PHP skills are improving greatly. I've already created 3 new sites, with database access, entirely with PHP. They're mostly for business and organizations though.

FusionStream, out.

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