Thursday, September 15, 2005


I helped Sebastian and Ranjan with a helluva shit load of coding.. haha.. I don't think they told Lee Kong Sing though...

Weizhen was making noise about me not blogging again.. haha.. I tease her with the phrases she uses on her blog. She teases me about my posting frequency. haha... The only thing is she didn't give me an award for that!! lol.

Then there's the stuff with Kai. He didn't come to school yesterday to do our CANI. He didn't come today either. Someone must've told him about me getting a little bit agitated though cuz he called me as i was coming home today and apologised. Then he dropped a bomb on me by telling me someone in his family had passed away. I was like, "Dude! I'm so sorry!". I didn't really catch who it was that had passed but i didn't want to ask again anyway.

Life is short people. If you get the chance to tell someone you love just how much you do, go ahead if you know it won't cause any complications.

Also, a certain communist arsehole that I've talked about before seems to be coming back to life. I shall be monitoring the situation. haha.. No lah. Just kidding!! Screw him.. I just wanna fish my life away. Maybe that dream will come true one of these days, perhaps maybe even with someone who i can share it with.

p.s. Did you know that the spellcheck feature that comes with this blog doesn't recognise the word "blog"? lol.


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