Saturday, May 28, 2005

Bon Voyage, Jenerale..

I know i said i won't talk about my day today because i was so pissed(at bastards in general because of some stuff I heard even though I know it was/is a rumour) but here goes anyway.

So, I went to bed at like 11 last nite but i just couldn't fucking sleep and i lay in my bed tossing and turning, with my fucking eyes refusing to close. Long story short, I woke up an hour late for my class all the way in Jurong. I stay in simei. For any foreigners reading this blog[or if you're just plain stupid(no comparisons intended... i think...)], it's like going from one end of my little Island called Singapore, to the other end. Granted our MRT(Mass Rapid Transit - Our Train System) now takes 50 minutes instead of 1 hour like last time, for us islanders, that's like trvaelling from Perth, Australia to, well, Melbourne, Australia.. haha... Quite simply put, it's fucking long.

Anyway, I was standing(as usual) in my little corner of the MRT, and this group of Malay boys, "discreetly" point out my shoes and my hair(my hair was a flop basically, it's what you get when you've got long hair and you're trying to make it stand up with anything less strong than cement). Me, trying to be cool and all, decide to fold my arms but my self-confidence, dented by something so trivial, forces me to habitually hunch, making my arms cross lower on my chest than usual, making it look like I've got big boobies and my arms are under 'em.

That's when i noticed a hole in my shoe. My damn dog apparently decided to test his canines(no pun intended) on my canvas shoes. This may not be so much of a big deal to anybody else, in all honesty, it wouldn't have been for me either save for one thing. They're the only pair I've got. My mom gave 50 smackers to buy a new pair(i know, pretty stingy considering i only have one pair of shoes) but i kind of used it up with dying my hair.... :p

Then about halfway to my destination, in pops this older chinese educated man carrying a plastic bag. About five stops from where he got on, he looks at me for a minute or two and started tsking away. Not at me mind you, but "for" me so to speak. Bloody fucktard was trying to irritate me. Kanina. I tried my best to be calm, knowing that i would shouting my fucking brains outs but then i realised that i would've looked like an idiot, what with my floppy hair and shoes with holes and all... Besides, he could've claimed that he had an illness that made him do that... He certainly looked like an ass already....

As I was about to reach my stop, I moved from my corner and gave him a good look. The fucker was smiling to himself, looking at me. Then i walked towards him and he immediately "shutteth up". The fucker must've tot i was coming for him.. bwahaha... I actually wanted to say "piss off" as i passed by him but there were children around. Ah, if only but for the children.... :P

Anyway, went for the lesson from 9 - 5 at the Informatics Training Centre where me and my new friends discussed just how dangerous Windoze is and how theoretically, Linux is so secure that it would take physical access or a DOS to take it down. We also discussed how even more flawed IIS(Windows Web Server) is compared to anything, and how, basically, Apache(Best, most stable, most common, multi-platform, open-source webserver) is so damn secure(You need to configure it properly if you're going to add any other modules though) that it too would only succumb to a DOS. Unless of course the dumb Admin decided to open up the server just so it would be easier for him to maintain.

Well, when on the way back to the train station, one my new friends discussed with me how the PPCDL cost at max around $280++. Then he silently added that the boat rentals were a different matter.. haha...

...bla bla bla.. I got on the train and this group of girls got on somewhere in Clementi. Quite basically, they brushed up against me repeatedly. One of them even put her head almsot as if to lean on my shoulder. In fact, somewhere around Raffles, all of them moved away save for that one girl.

note: I Ain't making this stuff up.. It's completely true... No joke...

I, quite plainly, wasn't interested. (I know, I know, I should get off my high horse. bla bla bla). This girl, it would seem from the corner of my eye, was a plain vanilla, minus a kempt-ness about her.
Besides, I still have my eye on that goddess from my church.

LSS, they got down somewhere Tanah Merah(i think....) and i was left with extra space where i could put my body without making "contact".

Damn, my standard of writing is worse... Sheesh... I guess cuz there's nothing really interesting to write about. Sigh....

Oh well, my musings and my procrastinated 'articles' shall follow... sooner or later....

i think....

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