Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I have DeZire. De Zire 72.

There's just no denying that there's nothing that can beat the good ol'e oldies. When you just wanna have good songs to sing along too. Songs that just need to be sung. Songs that don't have impressive solos or stuff. Songs without the cool techno-pop fusion effects.

Good ol'e bands like the Bee Gees with their sissy-sounding but nonetheless intriguing voices, the Beatles with their controversial and beaty music, and the Carpenters with their sweet voices and questionable lyrics.

Ah... The good o'le days.

One thing to note about the Chinese New Year. Ever notice how the children alawys get left out of conversations at people's houses? The most that's been said between host and visitor is "So how's your studies?" Typical Singaporeans.

The Kids are all smiles when entering the house but after the Hong Baos have exchanged hands, they can't wait to leave. Haha.

A colleague at the Petrol Kiosk where i've been working told me about his Childhood Hari Raya experience. He said he used to wake up early every morning during the Raya period and together with some friends, would proceed to visit every house within a small radius of blocks, pretending to be relatives of the occupants. Haha! He said he could get up to $600 throughout the month.

And another thing, heehee, i just realised that some of my cousins are real ChioBu-s haha... (We've never exchanged any words by the way. haha)

I've never mentioned this before because i didn't feel the need to but since we're on the topic of CNY, David Lee, the former National GoalKeeper, is my uncle haha... And he's got lotsa kids.. Frisky old man he is... haha...


And a handy tip for all drivers. Always tip your pump attendant, even if it's just 50 cents. I know i get pissed when some customers ask me to go the extra mile, while the are still other customers, and then never even tip me. They don't even say thank you until you say Thank you first. Odd eh? Of course there are some really generous people who give freely....

There were very few cars these past few days. It dashed my hopes of getting any tips. Previous years produced up to $300++ in tips over the two Chinese New Year Days...

I saw a mini cooper at the station the other day and boy was it sweet looking. I hope to get that car one day.

I think it was Wednesday where there was a free bus rides everywhere, sponsored by Nokia. The bus frequencies were also more. And all on the day when there wasn't much of travelling in terms of total volume.

Points to note: I now have some kind of black mark on my forehead because of some... ah, nvm... I take back my point.

I have the distinct feeling that i'm rambling on. And rambling on in front of an empty audience too! How droll....

In my next post, I Hope, i'll start posting an original, episodic, funny story.

I have brilliant ideas. But they scream to me, "Focus on me. Focus on me or I'll fucking go away!" - Bill Connoly

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