Friday, April 11, 2008

The woman behind every man

You know what they say? Well it's absolutely true.

There is always a woman behind a man, manipulating him and pulling his strings. I hate these kinds of people. I've seen it happen a few times before. They manipulate everyone to some degree such that everyone thinks like her.

I've working in a current project where this new comer comes in, knowing nothing but the moment that person is ready to stand, he/she comes out fighting. Thinking that he/she fully understands how things work and in fact, how THE WORLD works, I'm inclined to disagree. We literally had to guide this person every step of the way and even as a department head, we were continuously working behind the scenes to cover up her mistakes. I'm pretty sure some bodily fluids were exchanged prior to her appointment as department head.

Is there no justice in this world? Or will it come only in the next.

ps. I'm biased of course and have overly generalised (gender and magnitude) because I was pissed but this post will stand.

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