Thursday, May 03, 2007

Siao bo?

Gahmen say UP GST to help the poor, but UP liao somehow got some "extra money" to feed into PM Lee's pocket.

The fuck is up with that? No doubt the Singapore government deserves a good pay rise but a 25.5% increase in pay after talking about shortages of money which was the apparent cause of the rise in the GST smacks of fucking greed if you ask me.

Every single damn cent should be aimed at the poor. They should take a page out of the US's books. The reward is serving one's country, not getting a nice retirement. Being the prime minister/president is an honour and a responsbility and that should be enough.


~My Thoughts~ said...

u have something against the gahmen?

FusionStream said...

why read my blog ah?


I have something against that thing that the gahmen did. Not the whole gahmen.