Wednesday, January 17, 2007

PICA press conference

Waiting for PY to give me the rest of the pics would give me enough time to grow a beard. So I'll just go ahead with this post using the pictures I have.

Only interested in the client. :(

It's a bit annoying that I got so stressed up to deliver a good speech and got next to no airtime. No check that, it's immensely frustrating. Daryl pushed me into making doing it even though he knew full well that I didn't want to (I even told him flat out no) but you know ole Daryl Lim, always needs to get his way.

Su Ling interviewing Daryl

I shall say no more about this in this long overdue "Draft Post" because I feel it best to bottle up my feelings.... and save them for your family one day.

Wei Li and Gary. (Khian Ping is camera shy)

In any case, it wasn't really a press conference and was more like a launch. It was, quite frankly, a waste of time because the exposure was next to none. If there's a next one, I'll be skipping it. Let the rest of the team members stress themselves up.

Anyway, here is a link to the video of the launch aired on the Chinese News.

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