Saturday, April 22, 2006

Crazy Woman

I was coming home the other day on the train when I heard a "toy cellphone" ringing. Then this lady beside me, put the phone to her ear and started talking to... no one.

She even gave pauses in between as if to let the person on the other line speak. The only problem being that when you're using a toy phone, there's unlikely to be a response from anybody. Save IMH.

Whenever I played with my phone, she would repeat that. It was really very funny. But I didn't laugh though. Laughing at a retarded person would be impolite now wouldn't it.

About 2 stops from Simei, my stop, the train suddenly emptied itself from the throng of people that occupied it earlier.

So this lady got up and moved to the opposite set of seats. Which was when I snapped this picture of her. It was also when I realised that she looked perfectly fine, save for the phantom phone calls.

Having never taken a photo of someone on the train before, the picture below may look a tad off. The lady did look oddly familiar though. Like the lady from Under One Roof, i.e. Andrew's Wife...

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