Wednesday, January 18, 2006

What a day...

Mr Ho Chee Meng took me out for lunch the other day. We were supposed to discuss the issue that I had snailMailed him about. Apparently, the entire conversation was complete before we even reached the food centre.

He sent me back to school after that where I played CS throughout the whole lesson. Towards the end though, I kept having to go to the toilet. Diarhoeaa style. I had to go do number 2 about every five minutes

Anywayz, I made one last stop before I left school for the MRT(Mass Rapid Transit [Train]). By the time I reached the Station, I needed to go again but because the train was going to be there very soon, I decided to hold it in. BIG MISTAKE!!!

Throughout the entire 1 hour train ride I ended up getting many "penetration" attempts and at about the 15 minute mark. I was sitting, bent over with my forefingers at my temples.

When I finally reached my stop, I immediately went to the toilets nearby and proceeded to "get it all out". Unfortunately, just when I tot I was done, more started to come out. About 20 minutes had passed with me standing then squatting then standing again over the bowl(squatting type).

A number of times while standing up I felt like passing out but I focused my mind and managed to maintain consciousness.

After giving up on ever releasing everything, I decided to hold in anything else that was about to come out and head straight for the doctors'. I had by now SMSed my mom to get a cab and wait for me at a nearby road. As I was washing my hands at the sink, I felt the need to throw up.

Now, I'm the kind of person that can hold back his vomit at will. But I reasoned that if I was feeling this bad, maybe throwing up was a good thing.

The throwing up in itself was a good thing. But my enthusiasm probably was a bad thing. I ended up throwing up 5-6 times where one of them lasted for about 5 seconds straight. I could hardly breathe. The last or second last one also had some blood in it.

After composing myself, I walked to the main road where my mom was supposed to be waiting for me but because she wasn't, I asked a nice man who was just getting on to the taxi if I could tumpang (hitch a ride with) him to a nearby clinic(also near my house). He was kind enough to say OK.

I called my mom while on the way and she said she hadn't noticed the sms but would meet me at the clinic. By now I was in great pain and even more discomfort.

It turned out that the clinic wasn't due to be opened for another half hour. I had three options.
1) Wait for it to open
2) Go to another nearby clinic without my medical records
3) A & E at a nearby hospital

Number 3 was scratched out because my previous experience there ended up with me waiting over an hour with a splitting headache for medical attention. And besides, many others also mentioned that that hospital sucked.

Being the typical lazy Singaporean that I was, number 2 also was scratched out.

I ended up waiting for the clinic to open but not before making a quick pitstop to my home to drop more liquid bombs.

When I reached the doctor's office, it turned out I was fifth in line. After making another pitstop, this time to the toilet in the doctor's office, and some presuasion, I was promoted to patient number 1.

The doctor diagnosed me with The Gastric Flu, but hell, it felt like something much worse. I felt weak all over, I had to frequently shit, had a headache, felt dizzy.

The doc gave me a jab to stop the vomitting and some pills to stop the diarhoeaa..

After much discomfort and slowly disintegrating pain, I'm much much better now thanks to God and modern medicine.

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