Sunday, January 08, 2006

Shutter - The Movie

Short Talk: Firefox 1.5 is out.

Whoa! Dudes and dudettes!!! The storyline for Shutter is SWEET!!!!!

2 Thumbs up for the twist at the end. Plus a toe, and then the other. And maybe I'll just throw in a hand for good measure.

About a quarter into the show and about a quarter before it ends, the acting by the "ghost" can be a bit off sometimes. But........

The ending is fucking SWEET!!!!

Don't watch the show up till the ending unless you have a wall against your back, and then again for some, not even then. lol...

The release I had had no probems with the subs when viewing it on the computer. But when burning to DVD, had some really bad problems and also couldn't mux the subs and the main video stream together. Took me a while but I've finally re-encoded the whole damn thing with no errors and with full English Subtitles and is in an XVid AVI format.

Info: Shutter is a Thai horror movie. As always, Asian horror flicks are always the best... :D

In other news.

Firefox Plugin:
Firefox 1.5 is out. In lieu of that, here are some interesting Firefox Plugins...
[Browser Plugins - Firefox] - Performancing Plugin. Allows you to blog anything that you can see in the browser. Just right click and click Blog This.
[Browser Plugins - Firefox] - FlashGot. Allows you to interface any Download Manager with Firefox. With the exception of DAP with requires you to get a special license from them.

Interesting Links:
[Facts - Holy Crap! It's real?] - Homer simpson makes men of decade list

Bash quotes:
Here are some interesting quotes from Bash.
<tom_0369> man
<tom_0369> im never moving to seatle washington
<tom_0369> i flew over it and it was raining and gray as fuck
<tom_0369> it was depressing

<sammich> when was this?
<tom_0369> flight simluator 2004

<tumult> well that was like the coolest class period i've ever had
<lasombra> tumult ?
<tumult> this kid asks me for a dollar so he can get something from a vending machine
<tumult> i tell him i don't have one (truth)
<tumult> he says bullshit
<tumult> i tell him to fuck off
<tumult> he stands up and punches me in the face three times
<tumult> sits back down
<tumult> teacher doesn't notice/care
<tumult> so blood is pouring out onto my desk
<tumult> from my lip
<tumult> i turn to the girl next to me and say
<tumult> "hey, can i use one of the tissues jammed into your bra?"

<zyko^> what did she do?
<tumult> punched me in the face

<Graeme> yeah, don't be nasty. my grandad died in a concentration camp......!
<Graeme> he fell out a guard tower. broke his neck

#1 pickup line of all time: "Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform to you?

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