Wednesday, November 10, 2004

On Jimmy Fallon and Fishing.

Apparently, many people don't know who Jimmy Fallon is, and those who do know him, only know him thru the film, Taxi. In case you didn't know, he is a permanent cast member in NBC's Saturday Night Live. He writes his own musical parodies and even acts in funny skits. Do a google on him and you'll see he's also very talented. Don't be shallow.

Went boat fishing the other day, and was inspired to buy a new multiplier reel and a multiplier rod. After that went tp buy twenty more weights, 12lb P-Line, and so many other things. In fact, i spent so much money that now, I'm officially broke. If I'm not wrong, I spent over $400.

Anybody want to go boat fishing? Can catch KBL(Seabass), Johnsons, Sting Ray, Grouper, Snapper, Garoupa. Shiok sia. $350 for a whole boat up to 5 ppl. There's another one for $200 but dunnoe whether got fish or not.

FusionStream, out.

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