Saturday, October 16, 2004


Was damn pissed when i read someone's blogged today. But then again when i think of all the things that have happened, i realised i'm not as pissed as i could be. But the statements in general amuse me.

In a way she's right, in a way she's wrong. I mean, the worst part is she saying that guys are insensitive. What's up with that? You know what i think? Girls are too damn sentitive. They expect to be treated like a flower, to handle them tenderly. All this while they stick the thorns into our flesh. They want all the priveleges they can get, while also keeping the one where it says that they are emotionally and intellectually superior than men and that they deserve to be treated as such.

If that's the case, why not from now on, girls be the one to initiate dates. Let them be the breadwinner in a family. And if unfortunately a time of war comes, let them go out into the battlefield to protect our country and our children. Some may argue that with females in charge there won't be any wars. Well perhaps you haven't heard of the term "cat fights". Go ahead. See the rapid decline of our economies. Girls typically make decisions based on emotions. Sometimes it's good. Sometime's it's bad. When it comes to the real world, it's bad.

You wanna be treated as equals? Act like one. Stop using hit and run tactics. It shows your emotional immaturity. Tactile facts dictate it as such. They lean on us for support but ignore us when it suits them. All in all, there's a term for such behaviour. And it seems to be contagious.

What a farce. Fortunately, a number of bright and intelligent young females are quite the opposite. The paradox is indeed true. Ineffable veracity? I say known truths.

Oh. Wait a minute. I'm sorry. I forgot.
Just kidding... my lord.

FusionStream, out.

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