Thursday, March 31, 2005


Today was the interview and i sucked... I kept on forgetting what i wanted to say. I got a 95 out of a 100. Some of you might say it's not bad. I would have agreed with you save for one thing. Other people with qualities far worse, yes, far worse, not not as good, were getting marks like 80, 90... etc...

Anyway, the game link is in the previous post. Check it out. It may lag on ur com so...
I have no lag and I'm using a p4 800FSB HT-Ready CPU.... with 512 MB DDR 400 SDRAM with 1Gb pagefile...

I'm setting up my web server also so you guys can check it out soon.

For the faith that i once knew was lost when I met you.
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

My Game!!!

Give it a while to laod cuz it's damn huge... When changing levels also, give it time..

It may appear jammed but it ain't! It may even appear liked it's not being drawn properly... Just give it time... Time will solve everything with regard to this game.

Ice Mountain

I finally finished my JAVA Game and it's grand.. I'll tell u that...
I'll be putting up the link shortly... It'll probably take a while cuz it's fuckign huge.. I'll probably put it up on web1000 or something...

In my life.
Someone i noe is getting a little jealous..
While another is pissing me off...

I've to finish my STSC && DAUD projects in two days and i haven't even started yet.

I'll be going all out on fishing very soon... After my exams...

And that's about all for the moment...


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Whose Line Is It Anyway

Fun and interesting day today...

Played soccer with Ranjan, Weili, Gary, Weihong, Feng He and Max. I'm so out of shape... I still have a bit of skill left, but no pace, as Gary had mentioned about someone. In fact, almost everyone was out of shape... In fact I was so dehydrated that i finished one large and one regular Lemonade from KFC without any ice!

My bowling is improving albeit ever so slightly. from a score of 100++, it rose to nearly 140... And the rest of the guys namely, Gary, Weili and YG are beginning to realise the wonders of powder.. haha....

After that we went to play pool... We played a 5 ppl straight pool game where the 8-ball was like the red seed in carrem, and where hitting the cue without hitting another ball constituted a foul. First game me and Gary were tied as "champions". Then second game YG won. Then third game Gary and I were champions again. I'm think we had one more game after that and we were both champions. Anyway, after that, my luck ran out. I was to break in the game. But my cue slipped and the ball made an ungraceful spin towards the pocket without even breaking. My luck was out from then on. Gary, the person next in line after me, won the set. Next game. Gary to break. He also layed his white ball into the pocket. Although he did break the set. Weili, was second previously, and he won. Gary was second. Next match, and then after that, so many games where the person to break would pocket the cue ball and then the second person would go on to win the match. Funny sia... haha

There was an interesting start to the F1 season. Lotsa drivers changed teams and the whole sport looked as if it had been turned upside down. I shant elaborate for my tiredness.

I lost three of SP's DVDs... So sueh... The first time i borrow a three DVD set i lose it. Before i even saw it...

Anyway, i noe what a differential is. I doubt many ppl do noe how it works... Even someone who prides himself on trying to now all things about cars(he's biased though... :-)) such as CK probably doesn't noe how it works. haha...

Statement: Dame Edna is funny.

My bloody mother again... Non-stop nagging... Pick up your shoes she says. I say, hold on. then she proceeds to fucking barrage me with fucking non-stop fucked-up reminders. Fucking shit right? My patience can only tahan so much. One of these days i'm gonna gets so pissed that something will happen.

Then there's my fucking brother. Take so many fucking things from me but when i fucking ask for his fucking help he's fucking too tired or his fucking computer is too fucking fucked up. These fuck-ups live under the same fucking roof as me for fucks sake.

I'm terribly sorry for the apparent choppiness of this post. I'm just so darned tired...

A facade that no longer can hold it's own. The dividing wall of conquest begins to crumble. I fall away, a victim of my own trust

goto end; end: doStop();

CK and Clemens did an excellent job at the beginning part of the show. And in line with the new way it was presented at the beginning of the story, CK's narration was excellent. But however, that doesn't change the fact that it wasn't the way it was meant to be. But I must say it was surprising... There were a few(maybe a little more) rough cuts towards the end but that was understandable. Very nice indeed. They may have a promising career..

Cheers guys.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


The truth makes itself apparent to me. Those that would call me friend would work around me.
Think of the absurdity that as the director, I haven't even seen the video that my group was supposed to have made.

The report handed in was vaguely biased against me. To even think of it. Absurd!
Consciously or sub-consciously, one's motives eventually make an appearance. And I do not like being played.

I also have another nasty habit. I can't stand it when someone else takes the credit for something someone else did. I hate that. It pisses me off to the bone. Even more so when one does not acknowledge it.

I also hate people who twist truths along the path to it's final appearance. So that any change is only vaguely noticeable in the produce.

I am a victim of my own trust.

And yet we manage to separate our social lives from our professional lives.

A facade that no longer can hold it's own. The dividing wall of conquest begins to crumble.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Again. My mother bought so many new things for herself. Then complains about how we don save money. Then after that she goes out to eat and buys expensive food. Fucking selfish right?

Anyawy, i forgot what i wanted to say.

On wednesday, Weili, Teddy, Joe and me, headed down to the bowling alley. Joe didn't play. But the erst of us did. After a bit of haggling with the cashier fella, we managed to get a few games for a little less.

The lanes there are ok. Other that the fact that some areas don't have a smooth layer of oil, it's rather well maintained. I ended up surprising myself by getting more than 100 in all the games we played, which was two. haha. YG and Weili weren't doing all that well though. heehee...

Finished recording our DAUD within a day. And it wasn't too bad.

I saw Weili's and Gary Video production. Now that's what i call humour. The basic storyline was an ok kind of funny. But I really liked the beginning and the ending part. A good comedy makes ordinary things become funny. They should be getting an A there.

My group on the other hand, if it were to be judged by film critics, would probably at best get a B. Fortunately, the teacher grading our work has her own criteria.

This is the last time i'll be working with that group. I can't stand members who don't pull their own weight, make a lot of noise, and when presented with the option to do other things, still refuse. And it seems some of my allies have been working behind my back.

A certain someone refused to act as a certain character cuz he was too paiseh. Well you should be paiseh becuz u didn't even do anything. His own girlfriend is in the script somemore. Make so much noise about including your script but in the end you didn't do anything and that pisses me off becuz i saw the story begin to bomb out the moment you told your "story idea" to the teacher. I've said it before, will probably say it again, and am saying it now. I don't ever want to work with you ppl again.

And as Weili said, those of us who actually have other better course choices in terms of ease of getting jobs later, are taking a big risk in coming here. And then we get faced by this.

So now i sit here, waiting to see the final video. Waiting to see what lies may appear in the report. If you ask them, they'll probably tell you I'm nitpicky. Read thru all the above and try and find which one is lying. I've made every concession to them. There were more days that my friends were free but they couldn't make it. And so i followed their schedule, a schedule that put other things first. I've got nothing more to say. If you asked me to opine on them? From personal experience, two words come to mind. Fuck them.

Moving on.
Weili, CK, and Me have all made videos for our secondary schools. I've also done a few for other ppl. They were both chairman's in the AVA club. I was a vice chairman, although i have to say it was because of opposition from some suck-ups. Now i don't mind being a vice chairman. In fact i like it better than being chairman. But picture a vice-chairman like this. Everything he does is always commandeered by the suck-ups. How can i do anything? And because of that, my reputation went down the drain. And then when I did manage to successfully do my job without the intervention of the suck-ups, my rep skyrocketed again. What does that tell you?

The next time, unless i have any revolutionary ideas, i'm gonna turn down any higher post that's offered to me, unless it's officially a mantelpiece position.

There was even a time, when i was supposed to be the IC of a CNY celebration. You know what happened? The teacher that had a following of suck-ups turned up and said, "Here's >fucking asshole<", >fucking asshole< was a person who graduated from my skool a year b4 me. And i stress on the "was". She continued, "He'll be taking charge ok? But unofficially of course."

I was so pissed that i just walked out of there and never went to any of the rehearsals and i didn't turn up for the actual thing. With hindsight, maybe i shouldn't have done that. I should have just said, "You fucking bitch! What the hell do you think you're doing? Am I or am I not supposed to be in charge?"

To which she would probabaly reply, "Firstly, fuck off yourself. You need someone more experienced to guide you."

"Until how long you want me to have fucking "guidance"? Or should i say fucking tyrannic oppression."

"Look. I called him here for help." You would probably think that she would say, "But since you feel that way, maybe, >fucking asshole<, i think we could handle it from here. Thanks anyway."

The truth is, she would have said, "Look. I don want this to fail. And i need someone more experienced here." And then she would make some whiny fucked up face and talk about my hair, or how i like the Science Rep in her class.

And that pisses me off. For fuck's sake she herself is so fucking huge. Quite frankly, she's a fucking oblong keling(No offence to any Indians. If she had been chinese i would have called her yellow without hesitation). Come to think of it, She's supposedly half Indian, half Chinese. In that case, she's a fucking yellow oblong keling.

Anyway, back to the story. What i should have done is walked out of that room and resigned from AVA forever.

Do you know how many novel ideas i had for my club? From getting people to come to our club on CCA day by putting stickers around the vertical part of the staircases, to managing the PA Room. Not a fucking bit of recognition.

So this is the lesson that I'm passing on to you guys. If wind of the good things that you do never gets to the ears of the 'higher-ups', in any form possible, it ain't worth doing.

And for those fuck-ups that i see around, your world may just be ending.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

ICQ: 272-902-438

I would have you think my future is future. Am i just being over dramatic?

Authors thoughts here. Other stuff below.

Politics. It's everywhere.

WE live by it. We learn by it. We love by it.

We exist in a world saturated by politics.

Don't believe me? Etiquette. Good manners. It's all politics.
Most people like to see you exhibit such behaviour but then most also loathe actually making the effort to do it. There are of course those who enjoy it purely for the joy that the results bring. If that ain't politics, then there are no fish at Bedok Jetty.

Social politics. It's all about putting up a facade in front of others. And so is governmental politics for that matter.

From bitching to backstabbing, gossiping to published speculations. It's all politics.

When you don say anything even though you're pissed with a friend, it's politics. When you try to be friendly with someone who you see is goign to take up leadership positions, or even when you try to get closer with a girl you like. Politics.

Sent a message to Cuteworm. He clarified it later but i tot i'd just put it up so any twit can also take reference with this.

Hey don't anyhow flash the DVD -ROm drive leh... especially to enable such features. It's very very adngerous. The only recommended (and yet not recommended) time to flash the ROM of your OPtical drive is to enable anti-region code capabilities. It's very very dangerous, it may even cause physical damage to ur drive.

DVD + and DVD - techonoloiges are quite different especially in terms of how the data is written. You could seriously spoil your drive.

Dual layer technologies is very different. But it has a 50 % risk. It either can support, or it can't. And if it can't, you will spoil the DVD you're trying to write to. Check it out on web forums.
Also, if you could, try to keep the RPCII features instead of RPCI. It has a few advantages..


I'm sick of xia xues' blog. Listening to her bitch about people day in and day out. It's always gotta be a personal attack and she does it purposely, while knowing that her blog gets many readers. I decided to stop reading it altogether. That is till I read Shane's post about some Don Juan fella. I'm guessing it ain't the Don from SP cuz if it is then he has one helluva name.

And yes, I have to say his blog is pretty interesting.

I went fishing with Max and Ken the other day. I was into my first fish pretty early. A medium sized Swa Chiam. I had a good number of knocks throughout the day but i got too hasty, letting instinct take over rather than letting skill have a turn. Anyway, around midday, under the sweltering sun, i hooked up to an "a-lot-larger-than-your-hand" sized ray. It gave a really soft knock and almost no fight. Just some good amount of drag. Being the dumbass that i was, i let it go because it was a baby. It was probably the good thing to do but when Max caught a slightly smaller one than me later that day, he decided to keep that one. The size although bigger than your palm would only yield a small amount of meat. Now i'm not against not practicing Catch & Release, but i have a thing where if someone can get something, I want it too. But, oh well...

Anyway, we later made friends with some auntie who gave us a few pointers to good spots. She also gave us a date when StingRay season begins. She even told us a story where one of her friends had hooked himself up to a huge ray, over 6 feet long, only to have the line snap just as he was about to land it. Tsk tsk... haha....

Cheers mate... is down again. I wonder when they'll change to a better host. It's always down. Quite frankly, it sucks.

And an old fart who's got no manners is harrasing me again..

Some processing for your noodle. Second hand smoke is hazardous to your health. IF that's the case, then you might as well be smoking yourself right?

FusionStream, out.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

MM Lee highlights plans to attract more foreign talent.

Miser Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, on behalf of his son's government called a press conference to highlight for everyone their new plans to attract more foreign talent. He also highlighted their success with their previous campaign.

Said MM Lee, "Our foreign talent campaign has been very effective so far. Just look at our National Football Team?"

Then he paused, to display a photo of himself standing with the National Squad after they won the Tiger Cup.

A young reporter for The Straits Crimes commented on how for an Asian, MM Lee looked rather tall, as compared to the rest of the squad. MM Lee began to smile to himself.

Continued the Miser, "In related issues, our foreign policy with regards to domestic help has also been very successful so far. No where else in the region is there a nation with so great a number of domestic helpers."

John Cecilia of Cuteworm Farms then posed this question to the Miser. "How about the locals here? Won't these foreigners be stealing our jobs?"

To this MM Lee replied, "Don't you worry about the locals. They have always been and wil always be an ass-", to which he paused for a well deserved drink from his glass of water. After which he continued, "-et to Singapore and her society. Besides, if ever they need a job, they can always wash dishes at my residence.", a statement which drew a hearty laugh from the 5 strong members of the press. Some of us did notice that the Miser did have a confused look on his face though. Oddly enough, none of us decided to query his perplexed look.

Another member of the press, Mr Foh Koff Andai then posed this question to him, "How about the community care jobs?"

"Who? The Bangla road sweepers?" replied the Miser.

"Yes. The community helpers."

The Miser then noted, "Well, my son's, the Prime Miser, the Prime Miser's Orifice, erm, tsk, Office, has been actively promoting these jobs for those ppl who have been classified as suitable for these kind of fulfilling jobs. You know? The jobs that give you that sense of community achievement."

"Last question please." piped the Chairmare of the press conference.

The Poo Paper managed to ask the last question.

"What do you think of the Casino?"

"Well", started the Miser, "if it helps bring more money into my, er, our, erm tsk, Singapore's pockets, then it's a great idea. Which it is."

Then he muttered something that rhymed with, "I'll be gone anyway, to hell with Singapore." a statement which we at The Poo Paper believes holds a secret code for success so anyone smart enough can decode it and understand it's secrets. We already have our own team working on it! It's just that promising.

Concluded the Miser, "Thank you everyone for attending, this session. Kopi's on me!"

This has been Ranjit Singh Alawng, for The Poo Paper.


note: I'd just like to state. This blog contains NO spyware at all. It does have a non-invasive hit counter. Any novice will know that a hit counter can't inject spyware into one's computer.
If you feel so insecure, use Firefox. This blog will look as it should be when in Firefox anyway.
note2: My website is up. If you have MaxOnline and your mom bought that stupid SafeSurf thing, then don bother looking at it. Unless you wanna ask me how to circumvent it.

paraphrase me: "We were sailing along. Kencing Kentut Kencing Kentut. On a moonlit day. Kencing Kentut Kencing Kentut"

Fee Fi Fo Fum. I just wanna scratch my English bum.

Met my bro's teacher the other day as i was coming home. It's odd that i know so many people who live in the same block as me.

In fact, a lot of important people i know live in the east. Odd eh?

I had a surge of thought while on the MRT. It's always the case. When you don't have any writing material with you, thoughts and ideas begin to come to you swiftly.

Since i had no writing material with me, i typed them as an SMS then i saved them as drafts. I had so many ideas that i had no more space left fo SMSes. Odd eh?

Anyway, this bring me to a statement that I'd like to get across. Actually, i have no idea how my previous paragraph can bring me to this topic but, here goes.

I HATE PLAYS! It's true. I hate every single darn one of them. Which brings me to a subpoint. I HATE people who over-dramatize their actions. I blame a negative experience i had in primary 5/6. My stupid mom had signed me up for a play. Even though at that time I already didn't really like it, just that i didn't hate it as much as I do now.

The story is encrypted for reasons relating to my pride.
Use "Notex"(search for it under "my links"). For instructions on how to use it, refer to the second post before this. The passphrase is something prominent.
fusionstream at for help.

I've changed my mind and I've decided against it. What the hell i say. I'll save the encryption thing for when i want to lambast any asshole who i noe reads this blog. (It should narrow down the field significantly for you if yo know what i mean)

So here's the text.

Anyway. Me and my loud voice landed me the role of narrator. A role which i had aimed for. Anyway, long story short, the guy who was supposed to be the fox was absent for a few days. So me and my overconfidence that i was permanently stuck with the job of narrator, decided to help him say his lines when he was not here.

So naturally i was shifted to that role. Imagine my surprise when the day that we had a full dress rehearsal, they gave me a fucking skirt like thing to wear as my shirt. And not over my shoulders too! Bastards! I had to wear it like a fucking tube top.

Anyway, the real day came(Annual prize giving ceremony) and as the curtains opened, i began to hear a flushing sound. The sound of my pride going down the drain. And to top it off, my role as the fox was also the bad guy! BASTARDS!!!!

The play went on and then finished and as I walked off the stage, i saw the girl that i likes, giggling at the stupid frock i had on me! I imagine the parents sitting behind were shaking their heads and saying, "Nothing like that to ruin a man eh?"

Needless to say, i was one of the few who actualy got an award and an official certification from some acting society from Britain. Hell, they should have given me an Oscar for making me wear that unholy piece of cloth!

Problems with I.E.

I'm having serious layout problems when one views this page with IE. Since i figured not many people will probably make the switch to Firefox anyway, i'm gonna look for more cross-platform compatible code. Cheers!

In any case, here's the link again.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The longest post, ever!

Dell is AP2P? What exactly are these people up to? and apparently so is Yahoo! And lately, they've been flooding the networks with fakes. Has anyone been getting really slow connections lately? Well it's because they've been scanning everyone for any p2p programs. Bastards!

Anyway, a little flashback. I remember Fu Keong. The first i him was at my first C++ lesson at States Computer School. He wasn't a programming guy, but he did sorta like computers. How i got to no him was as we were looking at the computer our instructor was using as he was installing a version of Linux that he had helped make. Anyway, i suddenly smelt fart. I immediately queried my brother who denied it. So this Fu Keong fella began laughing. I tot at the time it was because it was so funny that i was asking him like that. Anyway, it turned out it was him. Damn stinky lor. Somemore, In an airconditioned room, in the BASEMENT, furthest away from the stairs. Haha. He lives in the East. It's amazing how so many people i meet always seem to live in the East.

So many important people live in the EAST

Some people don't know what Linux is. They say it sux. Frankly speaking, that's because they're stupid. Anyone who actually knows what a computer really is, will know right away that Windows is so damn buggy, that most of us have grown to accept the occasional crash and reboot. Here's a pointer for those of you in the dark. Almost every OS out there is based on UNIX technology, a really stable, but old, command line bsaed operating system. It was even before DOS. The reason why nobody used it on desktops was because it wasn't designed for that. It's mainly for mainframes and occasionally, some servers. There are only a few exceptions of where OSes were not entirely based on UNIX technology. Even the Mac OS is based on UNIX technology. There are many different Operating Systems besides UNIX that you won't know about. They include Netware, ESIX, Plan 9 and tons of others.

The reason why there are so many Linux variants is because the original Linux, was open source, meaning anyone could take a look at the code and rewrite it. It was called GNU(Gnu is Not Unix. Then that GNU broke down into something else. There's aname for something like that but i forget.) It was basically, shared. Now back in the old days, everything was fixed in the OS. Meaning if you wanted to install Solitaire, you couldn't. It had to be preincluded in the distribution. If you really wanted to, you had to edit the Linux code and add in the code for solitaire and then add in the code for the links to Solitaire and etc... Some people didn't like that so they made their own variants of Linuxes with different inbuilt stuff.

Only much later did something called kernels come about. It basically is one of the best inventions of all time. It allows the core system files(kernels) to be loaded as normal, and then the rest are later added as an add-on. No one needed to ever recompile Linux again.

A simple analogy is this.
The Old Linux was like this. You draw an oval for a face. Then you draw the eyes, nose and mouth. If you wanted to draw eyebrows for example, you could. But then they would be stuck there forever.
What kernels do, in this analogy, are to allow other bits of software to act as transparency sheets. You put the transparency sheet over the original face and you can draw on the transparency all you want. Ultimately, when you look at it, if you drew eyebrows on the transparency, the face will look like one with eyebrows. If you didn't want them, all you had to do was remove the transparency.

(the add-ons are usually called user mode programs.)

Because of this, people didn't need to create their own variants of Linux ever again. But by now, the people with the different distributions(variants) of Linux, had changed their own code so much that they couldn't do anything to change it back without all the hassle. So basically, that's what were left with today. Of course some people still create their own variants because they don't like the way the different distributions have changed so much from the original. SO they try to make their own version of the original. No one's perfectly happy of couse as no one can get the most perfect basic version of Linux. Almost every distribution of Linux now has different "basic" features.

So here's the deal. Linux is stable because it has currently no viruses attributed to it. And when it does, it will be very sparse. The coding is just that stable. Furthermore, it's open source. So it's highly likely that with so many people looking at the code, there will surely be one person who noticed a bug in it.

Linux has been trying very hard to win over the Windows-Generation. The generation that thinks that Windows is so great. It's not. If you stop to take a look at it, the whole hacker culture developed because of Windows. The Antivirus companies aren't really supporting Linux because they know that would kill off their business.

What many of you don't know is that many Windows games can be played in Linux thru a process called porting. All your Microsoft Office files can also be viewed and edited in Linux without even the need to port. On almost every system, linux boots up faster than Windows.

The main thing that is holding back the masses is the lack of hardware drivers. The moment one piece of hardware comes with Linux support, I can guarantee you that many people will make the switch. In fact, some people who can't wait, have made their own drivers for Linux.

The moment more drivers begin to be made for Linux, the masses will move over. But the big hardware companies need to know that we want Linux drivers.

IBM, the company that actually originally supported the money mogul, Microsoft, is now also switching to Linux. They were backstabbed by Microsoft anyway. And there grows a coalition of major companies

What you always hear is that it's free. That shouldn't be your main driving factor. What should be is that you shouldn't need to pay thousands of dollars for software that doesn't work properly, when you can get one that's free AND works properly. If Microsoft wanted too, they could make programs for Linux anyway.

It's freeware, opensource. IF youstill aren't convinced, let me remind you to think of the opposite. Even China is making their own version of it.

7-Apr-99 - Burlington Coat factory, placed an order with Dell for 1250 Linux machines.

Copmuter companies that publicised their switch to Linux and their support for it:
IBM, Oracle, Informix, Corel, SAP, Hewlett Packard, Dell, Sun Microsystems and Sybase

All these companies are "porting" their main programs to Linux. It means making it work only on Linux.

Many are developing custom applications using Java, some are using IBM's WSOD (Workspace On Demand) with OS/2, or NCs (Network Computers) from IBM, Sun and Corel. All agree that Windows must go because it costs too much to maintain.

IBM is also authorizing their huge Global Services division to support Linux distributions from Caldera, Red Hat, S.u.S.I and Pacific HighTech (Turbo Linux).

Eight of the world's largest consumer electronics companies-including the
world's No. 3 mobile-phone maker-said they will team together to promote and
standardize Linux technology for electronic devices, including mobile
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd., Sony Corp., Hitachi Ltd., NEC
Corp., Royal Philips Electronics, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Sharp Corp.
and Toshiba Corp. founded the new CE Linux Forum. IBM Corp. said it is
pursuing membership.

One name that is notable only in its absence is Motorola Inc. The world's
No. 2 mobile-phone maker recently announced major support for a Linux/Java
operating system and said it would include the technology in a majority of
its devices. Motorola officials could not immediately comment on whether
Motorola will participate in the new CE Linux Forum.

The move comes as Linux technology makes its way into the mobile-phone
industry as an alternative to major operating system efforts like Symbian
and Microsoft Corp.'s Smartphone OS. Chinese carriers and manufacturers have
voiced major support for Linux, and Sharp has already shipped a personal
digital assistant-style device using a Linux operating system.

Almost the whole of Germany's governments is also changing to Linux!

READ THIS!!! Almost all you need to know about Linux minus the techie stuff.

note: PCs are computers running windows. Workstation, desktops are the real names.



Windows rarely follows World Standards, eg. Internet Explorer.
Linux does. And so does other software like Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape. (They're more or less the same though)

"Heard about the Linux virus? It works on the honor system. First it asks you to please e-mail it to all your friends, then it asks you to please log back in as root so it can tell you how to trash your system." more stuff. real cool.

People who don't know how to use it call it stupid. They're stupid because they don't know how to work such a simple machine. It's even easier than windows actually. It's just point and click.

Anyway, off the topic of technology.

Not too long ago, i told a friend of a secret that i had. Then he asked me, "What kind of secret is this?"

I was like, "What?"

And then he said, "You know, open secret? Close secret?"

So i said, "Close."

What i really wanted to say was it's a secret, secret. If it wasn't secret then it wouldn't be called a secret now would it? A leak is called a leak. Not an open secret you dumbass.

To Decrypt this. Download this. Run it. Click, on the toolbar, Click on Crypto. Click "Enter or Change Key". The password is 12345678. (use only the first field.) Once you've pressed enter, click on cypto again, click decrypt clipboard text. Your clipboard will now contain the decrypted text. Paste it in notepad or in the program, "notex", itself. If you get errors, try copying and pasting the text from the blogpage to notepad first, then recopy the text and continue with the steps.

I'm reading Digital Deception now. It's very snappy. Not very nice. The twists and plots are there(although some are too easily recognisable), but the way the story is written isn't that great. Although this is what got me re-interested in Encryption algorithms. I wanted to create my own but i didn't have time. Next time perhaps.

The Ring 2 is coming out. It's the Americanised version though. The shorts do look good however.

note: the following song doesn't mean anything. It's not my way of displaying my feelings. Some dimwits have been judging my emotions based on the songs i put here. I just like the muted guitar that's all.

Here's the lyrics for the song thats being played now:

Hoobastank - Crawling in the dark

I will dedicate
And sacrifice my everything for just a second's worth
Of how my story's ending

And I wish I could know if the directions that I take

And all the choices that I make won't end up all for nothing

Show me what it's for
Make me understand it
I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer
Is there something more than what i've been handed?
I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer

Help me carry on
Assure me it's ok to use my heart and not my eyes
To navigate the darkness

Will the ending be ever coming suddenly?
Will I ever get to see the ending to my story?

Show me what it's for
Make me understand it
I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer
Is there something more than what i've been handed?
I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer

So when and how will I know?

How much further do I have to go?
How much longer until I finally know?
Because I'm looking and I just can't see what's in front of me
In front of me

Show me what it's for
Make me understand it
I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer
Is there something more than what i've been handed?
I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer

Monday, March 07, 2005

or not...</a> </h3> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> <div class='post-body' style='padding-top: 7px'> <p><span style="font-size:85%;">Previous song: Jamie O'Neal - Trying to find Atlantis<br />Song being played now: Hoobastank - Crawling in the dark.<br /><br /><a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 102);" href="">Click here</a> if you haven't installed WinXP Service pack 2, don't have MCafee, or are running older systems like win98, win ME, etc... Look at the URL then look at the page contents. Stupid Microsoft only decided to patch it in Service Pack 2. And don't worry. It ain't porn.<br /><br />Recommended Song/Band: Songs worthy of being in your collection although it ain't that recent.<br />~ <span style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0);">Jamie O'Neal - Trying to find Atlantis</span>. It's a nice blend of country with really great fusion harmonics between the instruments, the singers, and the between both.<br />~ <span style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0);">Kell Clarkson - Since You've Been Gone</span>. I love the fusion and synchronious harmonization of the vocals in this song.<br /><br />Recommended Movie: None actually. <span style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0);">Hart's war</span> perhaps?<br />It isn't really a war movie. There's hardly any fighting. It's more on characters and courage.<br /><br />Recommended Series: Here's two.<br />~<span style="color: rgb(255, 204, 0);"> <span style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0);">Everwood</span></span>: It's about a family who moves to a town in the middle of nowhere after the lady of the house dies. Full of relationships and "morals of the stories". Three thumbs up!<br />~ <span style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0);">Desperate Housewives</span>: It's about a group of housewives. The story starts off when one of them commits suicide. The series follows that and many other subplots. Really cool.<br /><br />Recommended clip: Watch it yourself and think. (Real controversial and cool!)<br />~ <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 51);" href="">Jon Stewart on CrossFire</a>. Send me an email if you want me to send it to you. It's 32Mb. fusionstream at<br />~ <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 51);" href="">Fair and Balanced Inauguration on Fox News</a>.<br /><br />Extra Recommended Mini-Series:<br />~<span style="color: rgb(255, 204, 0);"> <span style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0);">Band of Brothers</span></span>:<br />The play of characters and relationships is great. Humour is used occasionally. It adds to the natural atmosphere of the show. It helps us relate with the character. Nothing more to say actually. It's been so long that i forgot exactly what it's abot, except that i noe that I love it. :p<br /><br />Extra Recommended Short Film:</span><br />~<span style="font-size:85%;"> <span style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0);">The Not-So-Successful Gangster</span>: Same here. But look out for it.<br /><br /><br /></span> Why is it that Men like War Movies? Is it because it gives them valid cause to show emotion? Or is it because we like blood and gore. I prefer the former. Think about it. I noe i promised more but i just don't have the time. Cheers.</p> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'><span class='post-author'> posted by FusionStream </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> @ <a class='timestamp-link' href='' title='permanent link'>10:41 PM</a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> </span> <span class='post-comment-link' style='padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px;'> <a class='comment-link' href='' id='delta2' onclick='' style='color: steelblue;'>0 comments</a> </span> <span class='post-backlinks post-comment-link'> </span> </p> <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'></p> <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'><span class='post-labels'> </span> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Friday, March 04, 2005</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post'> <a name='110995136396058422'></a> <h3 class='post-title'> <a href=''>Stargate</a> </h3> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> <div class='post-body' style='padding-top: 7px'> <p>Dad turned down another promotion again.<br /><br />Today was an intersting day. We went to do our CIP at some childcare centre in Tampenis, erm Tampines i mean.<br /><br />In the end, Weili and I ended up fixing computers for the whole 7 hours while YG and Ah Hui cleaned just the windows in both centres. haha... Halfway thru, they joined us to watch us fix computers that had been condemned by many. Judging by our success, i'd say we should start a business. haha.. We also had many screws left over after that, because we didn't screw some of parts back. And as ShuHui was admiring the small metal things in her hand, I said that ShuHui loves a good screw. haha... Weili joined in with his story of 3 kings and a queen. wahahaha....<br /><br /><span style="font-weight: bold;font-size:130%;" ><span style="color: rgb(255, 153, 0);">Quote: Women are just like handymen. They both love a good screw.</span></span><br /><br />After that, we walked back to Tampines interchange. On the way back, we passed by the Tampines stadium. We decided to go up a HDB block to watch the game. Shu Hui declined. I think she was scared that we might play with our screws. wahahaha<br /><br />Anyway, we watched on as the Rovers scored 2 very, very early goals against SAFFC. The home crowd was almost non-existant. And the away crowd, whose benches were unsheltered(haha), were as silent as rocks. I've noticed that since the end of the 1st season and right up till now, the standard of the Singapore players has been very bad. Very very bad. Oh well...<br /><br />Dad turned down another promotion again because he felt it was too rigid. At least he'll be happier this way.</p> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'><span class='post-author'> posted by FusionStream </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> @ <a class='timestamp-link' href='' title='permanent link'>11:42 PM</a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> </span> <span class='post-comment-link' style='padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px;'> <a class='comment-link' href='' id='delta2' onclick='' style='color: steelblue;'>0 comments</a> </span> <span class='post-backlinks post-comment-link'> </span> </p> <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'></p> <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'><span class='post-labels'> </span> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Thursday, March 03, 2005</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post'> <a name='110882094557314209'></a> <h3 class='post-title'> <a href=''>Why i hate parsley...</a> </h3> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> <div class='post-body' style='padding-top: 7px'> <p>I hate parsley because, well, it tastes sort of raw and uncooked, while it's natural flavor is, well, yucks...<br /><br />It's not like raw salmon where the original flavor of the meat is, Shiok!<br /><br /><span style="color: rgb(195, 199, 184);">Statement: The pair are at it again.<br /><br /></span>And it's good to know that my quotes are considered to be at both extremes. I'd be shocked if someone came up to me and said that the copmuter quotes were quite nice. In fact, ppl should be coming up to me and saying, "Say Shawn, i think those copmuter quotes are kind geeky. But Cheers mate."<br /><br />Anyway...<br /><br />Here's a few more of my programs. All written in C++. The programs by themselves are not really an achievement per se but it does give one a sense of what basic C++ can do. All are console based. I'm only just moving into GUI based programs. All programs coded in an IDE called Dev-C++, using MingW32.<br /><br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">toto</a>: Gives you toto numbers.<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">Main</a>: Converts an character toit's ASCII Value. I lost the other program that did the opposite though.<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">login</a>: A basic login program.<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">Users</a>: A program to add users to the users.ini config file for adminMod for Counterstrike. It allows you to choose their admin rights, password, and specified username.<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">Guess</a>: A simple game that asks you to choose a number between 1-100, tells you whether you're hot or cold, and tells you how many tries it took you to guess it. I can't recall if it has a maximum limit of tries. If it does, it's probably at 10.<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">grader</a>: Defines a student's grades.<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">Vector</a>: Some stuff on vectors.<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">Vector2</a>: More stuff on vectors.<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">Vector3</a>: Somemore stuff on vectors<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">Vector4</a>: Even more stuff on vectors.<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">Reversi</a>: Manipulation of variables using a few different methods.<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">Pointer1</a>: Stuff with pointers(Memory stuff!)<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">Zip_Zap</a>: A really cool program for compiling basic Business Stats. It has a fixed Business name of ZipZap though.<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">Password</a>: Asks you to input the correct password. It's sunshine. If you don't do it within three tries, and your OS is NT-based, your computer will start to shutdown in 30 seconds. To stop it, go to Start->Run and type in shutdown -a<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">argv_argc</a>: It's basically a program showing how parameters passed to a program can be identified and then, as is done here, is displayed in a window.<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">Structure</a>: Some stuff about Structures.<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">Kalkulator</a>: A basic DOS Kalkulator. Can't be run in pure DOS though.<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">FileOperasi</a>: File Operations<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">FileOperasi2</a>: More File Operations<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">overloading</a>: Function overloading(in a structure)<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">MakeUsers</a>: Makes/Creates the users file for adminMod, CounterStrike. Will only work if AdminMod and CS has been installed.<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">char(Asterix)</a>: Memory Adress thingy.<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">Count_Money</a>: Helps you to count your total money by asking for the quantity of each denomination.<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">Classeslesson2</a>: Stuff i learnt about Classes.<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">stringOperation</a>: Some string operations like len, etc...<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">pass_by_reference</a>: Passing values by reference.<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">operatorOverloading</a>: It's exactly what it says.<br />- <a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" href="">Complex_Numbers_2</a>: Some stuff to do with complex numbers: 2 + i, 3 + j, etc...<br /><br />If you want the source code for any of these files, or if you wish to redistribute this, or do anything with this other than dbl click on it and use on your own computer, the one where you downloaded the file to, send me an email at: fusionstream at<br /><br />Next post to include Why We Fight, Why we Like to watch ppl fight, and erm, stuff. Wahahaha<br /><br />Cheers,<br />BlueStream.<br /><br /><span style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 102, 0);font-size:130%;" >Love is like a soft breeze. It's gentle and soothing but it also has the potential to wreak havoc. </span></p> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'><span class='post-author'> posted by FusionStream </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> @ <a class='timestamp-link' href='' title='permanent link'>9:47 PM</a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> </span> <span class='post-comment-link' style='padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px;'> <a class='comment-link' href='' id='delta2' onclick='' style='color: steelblue;'>0 comments</a> </span> <span class='post-backlinks post-comment-link'> </span> </p> <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'></p> <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'><span class='post-labels'> </span> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Wednesday, March 02, 2005</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post'> <a name='110976335051170688'></a> <h3 class='post-title'> <a href=''>Band of Brothers</a> </h3> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> <div class='post-body' style='padding-top: 7px'> <p>Went to Toa Payoh the other day to look for maggots for fishing. I ended up roaming aimlessly around the darn place looking for a non-existant pet shop that allegedly sold the darn things... FOR 3 HOURS!<br /><br />It was a good thing i've been to at least the interchange b4, else i wouldn't even have known how to exit the darn place. For those who've never been there before, first impressions are that it's a beautiful place. Another thing that you'll notice is that the layout is fucked up. Or at least appears to be fucked-up. Basically, besides the interior, the surrounding area, the whole damn place, would look like one big stinking mess to a tourist, or someone who's never been there before, namely, me. At at the centre of it all, is a building that has an interior that looks and feels like a hotel.<br /><br />There were some nice Indian guys who helped me with directions of a block 60+, where the supposed bird shop was. The rest of the people weren't all that helpful. Especially the taxi drivers who pretended to be not able to find the block 60 in their Street Directories.<br /><br />Anyway, after that, Roy gave me a call and asked for help on how to just reinstall the Windows core files without actually doing a full re-install. Meaning that everything was the same as before except that all the windows files were replaced with those on the CD. I found out about this feature while playing with the Windows CD not too long ago. Lucky him.. haha...<br /><br />Sweet links:<br /> Communism:<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> Power post 1:<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> Power post 2:<br /> <a href=""></a><br /><br />I'm afraid i may have disappointed WeiLi and gang on being able to play Halo at the labs. Something really serious hampered me from doing anything. Cheers mate.<br /><br />I also made this kewl but incomplete program that allows you to type in commands into a Dos Console as if you were in the Matrix. The Shutdown and Restart/Reboot feature is damn kewl... haha... Type help while in the program for a list of commands. <a href="">File</a><span style="font-size:85%;">(Compiled in Windows XP, with MingW32)</span><br /><br /><span style="color: rgb(195, 199, 184);">The "Original" Lovey Doveys were quarelling as usual.</span><br /><span style="color: rgb(195, 199, 184);"><br /></span></p> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'><span class='post-author'> posted by FusionStream </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> @ <a class='timestamp-link' href='' title='permanent link'>7:34 PM</a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> </span> <span class='post-comment-link' style='padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px;'> <a class='comment-link' href='' id='delta2' onclick='' style='color: steelblue;'>0 comments</a> </span> <span class='post-backlinks post-comment-link'> </span> </p> <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'></p> <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'><span 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