Thursday, March 03, 2005

Why i hate parsley...

I hate parsley because, well, it tastes sort of raw and uncooked, while it's natural flavor is, well, yucks...

It's not like raw salmon where the original flavor of the meat is, Shiok!

Statement: The pair are at it again.

And it's good to know that my quotes are considered to be at both extremes. I'd be shocked if someone came up to me and said that the copmuter quotes were quite nice. In fact, ppl should be coming up to me and saying, "Say Shawn, i think those copmuter quotes are kind geeky. But Cheers mate."


Here's a few more of my programs. All written in C++. The programs by themselves are not really an achievement per se but it does give one a sense of what basic C++ can do. All are console based. I'm only just moving into GUI based programs. All programs coded in an IDE called Dev-C++, using MingW32.

- toto: Gives you toto numbers.
- Main: Converts an character toit's ASCII Value. I lost the other program that did the opposite though.
- login: A basic login program.
- Users: A program to add users to the users.ini config file for adminMod for Counterstrike. It allows you to choose their admin rights, password, and specified username.
- Guess: A simple game that asks you to choose a number between 1-100, tells you whether you're hot or cold, and tells you how many tries it took you to guess it. I can't recall if it has a maximum limit of tries. If it does, it's probably at 10.
- grader: Defines a student's grades.
- Vector: Some stuff on vectors.
- Vector2: More stuff on vectors.
- Vector3: Somemore stuff on vectors
- Vector4: Even more stuff on vectors.
- Reversi: Manipulation of variables using a few different methods.
- Pointer1: Stuff with pointers(Memory stuff!)
- Zip_Zap: A really cool program for compiling basic Business Stats. It has a fixed Business name of ZipZap though.
- Password: Asks you to input the correct password. It's sunshine. If you don't do it within three tries, and your OS is NT-based, your computer will start to shutdown in 30 seconds. To stop it, go to Start->Run and type in shutdown -a
- argv_argc: It's basically a program showing how parameters passed to a program can be identified and then, as is done here, is displayed in a window.
- Structure: Some stuff about Structures.
- Kalkulator: A basic DOS Kalkulator. Can't be run in pure DOS though.
- FileOperasi: File Operations
- FileOperasi2: More File Operations
- overloading: Function overloading(in a structure)
- MakeUsers: Makes/Creates the users file for adminMod, CounterStrike. Will only work if AdminMod and CS has been installed.
- char(Asterix): Memory Adress thingy.
- Count_Money: Helps you to count your total money by asking for the quantity of each denomination.
- Classeslesson2: Stuff i learnt about Classes.
- stringOperation: Some string operations like len, etc...
- pass_by_reference: Passing values by reference.
- operatorOverloading: It's exactly what it says.
- Complex_Numbers_2: Some stuff to do with complex numbers: 2 + i, 3 + j, etc...

If you want the source code for any of these files, or if you wish to redistribute this, or do anything with this other than dbl click on it and use on your own computer, the one where you downloaded the file to, send me an email at: fusionstream at

Next post to include Why We Fight, Why we Like to watch ppl fight, and erm, stuff. Wahahaha


Love is like a soft breeze. It's gentle and soothing but it also has the potential to wreak havoc.

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