Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year's Countdown 2006

Went out with the guys to catch the fireworks and participate in the countdown. Didnt go to Vivocity because the tickets were sold out by the time we wanted to get them and also because we had to pay which sorta turned us off.

Your Truly

Simon, a person Roy had met while playing Dota online and who also turned out to be jinghao's friend, was with us too.

Roy and Simon


Weili said while walking down the escalator someone suddenly came and stood in front of him and stared at him and then proceeded to ask his friend if he was Cuteworm. lol.


Ended up going to eat at MOS at Plaza Singapura and then walked over to Cineleisure to check out what free gifts we could get from the countdown happening there.

One too many Party Poppers

Saw that the gifts were nothing so we took a bus down to the National Museum to go for that countdown instead.

We were early and after looking around, we decided to go play pool at Paradiz but the tables there were full. So we decided to go play at nearby LAN shop.

The Lan Shop with No Aircon

At about 11.45pm we hurriedly pulled ourselves away from the LAN shop to try and head back to the Museum for the countdown. We reached about 5 minutes early and stood by the side of the stage while some people began to dance.

Might actually try out the dancing at these things one of these days. For now, I just like the drinks. haha



Sound: Baloons popping

After the fireworks were done we headed out of the Museum to see if we could catch the fireworks at the Esplanade.

The fireworks at the Esplanade started just as we exited the museum so we watched it from there.

Fireworks over Esplanade

Fireworks over Esplanade

The guys are pretty docile... No shouting the countdown.. No handshakes.. quite sian acherly.. lol

I think we need some girls in our group to make it more lively and what not.

After catching the fireworks, we headed down to City Hall MRT to decide where to go. The guys wanted to go to KBOX but Simon wanted to go home so he left and we headed to Marina Square.



It was fucking crowded along the streets as everybody was trying to get home on the MRT which was about to close in 45 minutes. I swear, if Singapore ever had to perform a mass evacuation, we'd be seriously screwed.

In fact, I saw volunteers "ushers" quarelling with the pedestrians.

Meet China

Hordes of people

We Walk Alone

There is only one day in the year where you can walk against the flow of traffic on the main road.


KBox was also crowded so we located a 7-11 in the building that was "bounced" by 2 bangla temp employees and bot some drinks and sat at the foyer, waiting for the jam to subside so we could take a bus to Weili's house.

Litter was strewn everywhere including the secluded areas which were notw devoid of people which eerily reminded me of "28 Days Later".

The bus service that night was seriously fucked up. Before the jam subsided, the entire bus lane was filled with buses - with duplicate services - but once the jam started to subside, the buses were few and far in between.

The best part was, while there was still a jam and even after it had subsided, WL's bus still had not come. About 1.5hrs had past before we saw roy's bus coming and we decided to go to his house instead.

Once we had boarded the bus, I saw my own service coming up behind. Faced with the prospect of a long train ride home the next morning (Roy lived much further away from me than WL), I alighted at the next bus stop and boarded my service home.

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