Friday, April 14, 2006

The cockroach in my room


It flew into my room while I was playing dota. Was friggin creepy man... The damn thing flew into my window, then landed on my "box collection" of all the stuff I ever bought (DVD Writer boxes, Motherboard boxes, etc). It then proceeded to weave it's way in between them till I lost sight of it. Not being one to let it go(my box stash was right next to my computer desk and about at my leg level), I bravely stood about a metre away screaming at my brother to go get a container.

When the fucker finally crawled out, I nabbed him courageously by slowly putting the container over it and then jumped very far back after it was contained. Then to trap it in, I, without thought for my own safety, pushed it all the way out into hall to cap it.

Burn MOFO burn.
btw.. mofo means mother f***er rite?


Lhea J. Love said...

Eeeek! That's huge!

That's the scariest thing I've seen in a while.

and yes, mofo is definately mother f****r. Haha. That's cute.

FusionStream said...

