Thursday, February 24, 2005

Project Jakarta

I figure I'm a trend setter...

YG is now known as Teddy Bear.
People talk with words like twit and asinine.(Even if for the most part they're used wrongly)
Nicknames like FishHead Curry. Josel pronounced as Jaw-sir(silent r)-l.
Milo Peng.
JH. (not too sure about this though)

And yet they mock me thru their teeth. The irony in itself would be enough to write a novel.
References to my hair of times long gone still appear. Retards i say. And when i was abuot to change my hairstyle, some of them came forward to candidly mention that they preferred my hairstyle to remain. Talk about queer things to do. That tops it and will probably be added in the list of things for homoS to do. Oh look, i made a boo boo by typing a big S. Oh what ever shall i do?

Piss off.

I am a bitter person. And yet I am not.
I need someone to vent my anger and frustration on, so it might as well be the people who are doing evil. Disagree? Well i don give a fuck. So now you can vent your frustration on me too.

And as I sit here contemplating my apparent greatness, reality rears it's ugly head and I realise that despite all of that, I am still missing something in my life.

Hey Ranjan. Name the date for the Malaysia trip. The bus oni goes to Larkin... and one other place too. Better to go with lotsa ppl, if you get what i mean.


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