Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Nokia 6280

I finally got myself a new phone. No well, actually, my mom bought it for me after my four year old, war-damaged T610 looked like it was about to konk out on me.

So the new phone is basically everything I wanted again. mp3 SMS and Ring tones.. Radio... Video.. Camera... Expandable Memory... AND VIDEO CALLS!

The problem with the phone though is that sometimes it will just restart, now and again all your profile settings will be lost, and there is a major problem with saving your "own words" to the phone's T9 dictionary. Other than that, it's ok I guess. Except for the slider which has become stiff.

I'm proud to say that I finish the entire Splinter Cell series within one week from the moment I got this phone. =D And I've also started listening to the radio again which has caused me once aagin to go an update my playlists again. 987fm is STILL my favouritist radio station.

The plan from Singtel(which allows me free phone calls from campus.. but I just started my internship) gave me this free Paris Hilton Interactive CD too. I perused through it once and then dumped it somewhere in the mess of my room.

Sexy new single? The song or the artiste?

Modern Bling Bling. Where we hang rubbish around our neck. wahahaha. But honestly speaking, Paris Hilton's music is ok. It's not bad but it's nothing to oo and ah about. Maybe it's just not my cup of tea.

This is another gripe that I have. These earphones make me look like an idiot, nerd, goondo, fucktard and geek, all at the same time. No pictures. Those who have this will know what I'm talking 'bout.

I'm thinking of getting a 2gb MiniSD card for all my music and videos. It's just S$60 sia.

Well. That's all for now.

Monday, September 18, 2006


I noe it's probably way over due for me. But I've been busy. So here's me catching up with old posts..

So did you hear about the Mahatir's run in with the spice spray? LOL. Apparently he was accidentally pepper sprayed by some Malaysians who were fighting with each other over who should take care of him.

Here's a picture of that.

That face is priceless. To see a politician display that kind of emotions always get's me high. LOL.

I would've took the picture and framed it up but I was afraid the ink would run. lol

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Look Ma!

So I googled myself after watching Jay Leno interview these 2 old geezers who had the same name and lived pretty similar lifestyles but lived on opposite sides of the globe.

As usual(Did the same many times before), Shawn Seet turned up results about an unknown director/producer in the States.

This time though, I took the added step of ALSO googling(and yahoo-ing) my full name, Shawn Ronald Seet, and came up with some interesting results.

Readers should know that I wrote a letter(see-and-type version by another guy) to The Straits Times(which was heavily edited) a while back shooting down this woman's insane idea to have women-only carriages on the MRT because apparently, groping was outta control. Apparently.

This dude recognises what I'm trying to say. Dumping the whole lot of us in with the gropers(WHICH ARE RAMPANT! lmao) is insanely stupid.

Next, Shawn Ronald Seet (I am inherently suspicious of anyone who carries this particular surname) cries out that a previous letter about having women-only carriages in MRTs is unfair to men. His points are all valid - the initial call by a certain Mdm Lam Yar Ee is incongrously stupid, and our friend Shawn here rips her argument to shreds (more manpower needed, gender biased etc.), sarcastically concluding we should have three carriages for men and three for women, thereby also protecting men from "frisky old aunties". Still, for the original notion to even be put forward is rather scary; does this not remind anyone of 1950s Montgomery or worse, apartheid-era South Africa?

Hey dude! What's wrong with my surname! You seet-o-phobe. lol. To be honest though, I too have reservations with people who have certain surnames. Damn me.

Then there's this guy who recognises my point but is a softie who believes in factual reasoning and does not appreciate the "what-could-happen" stance. I only guessed as much because he acknowledges my points but believes that sarcasm and careful use of words should NOT appear in full-sized publications. At least I gathered as much.

Anyway, the dude then goes off to write a letter to me in his blog because he knows he can never get it published. lol.

So now I sit here wondering how come I get more hits on FusionStream than on my real name. Damn.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Japanese Toilet Show

Got this as a head's up from WeiLi.. so went to search for it and here it is..


Friday, September 08, 2006

Suicidal Bunnies


This saturday is Operation Darknight. Will be heading off to Pulau Y (Our last Island Trip was at Pulau X). Fishing's the objective here.

Icebomb's going to Pandan again tonight. Would've joined him but got some stuff to tie up. Fix my fishing rod la, clean up room la, add more features to my software project la. Not that it isn't fun. Variety is key though. lol.

Friday, September 01, 2006