There's no title.
Woke up with a headache but slowly began to fade away as the day progressed.
Think it's sleep related.
Some interesting stuff: US 911 Centre Lets Kid's Mother Die.
You know sometimes when you pick up the phone and you hear heavy breathing? THATS ME!!!
Woke up with a headache but slowly began to fade away as the day progressed.
Think it's sleep related.
Some interesting stuff: US 911 Centre Lets Kid's Mother Die.
posted by FusionStream @ 9:09 PM 0 comments
After this whole month of playing and researching board games, I've learnt one very important thing that I didn't always hold so dear.
Building relationships is important. It helps u along the road and stabilises ur positioning, wherever/whatever it may be.
Anywayz, on to the less boring stuff.
Had this game session at Settlers again today.
If there's one thing that's true in this world is that alpha plus and colin goh absolutely suck at recommending games for us to research. Of the games we played today that were recommended by them, 2 out of 4 of them sucked. And... Only 1 out of the 8 suggested was a board game. And we're supposed to be creating a board game here. bah!
Then after that I went for this dinner that my 96 year old great grand father was throwing where I met my cousin whose name I forget. lol...
Building relationships there.. lol... But c'mon. I mean, it's fun to know ur cousins no? lol
For a long while the only cousins I knew where my mom's sister's & brother's children.
And last on my agenda of wildly documenting my day's events, my bro told us this story of how he was on the bus to school when he suddenly heard someone shout, "Oh God!".
So he looked around but then quickly realised that it was because he was drooling. The kicker here is that he just pretended to go back to sleep without sucking it all back in!!
Anywayz, I'm tired.
I've got this splitting headache that Panadol Extra couldn't cure and I'm about ready to throw up.
posted by FusionStream @ 10:53 PM 0 comments
I was coming home the other day on the train when I heard a "toy cellphone" ringing. Then this lady beside me, put the phone to her ear and started talking to... no one.
She even gave pauses in between as if to let the person on the other line speak. The only problem being that when you're using a toy phone, there's unlikely to be a response from anybody. Save IMH.
Whenever I played with my phone, she would repeat that. It was really very funny. But I didn't laugh though. Laughing at a retarded person would be impolite now wouldn't it.
About 2 stops from Simei, my stop, the train suddenly emptied itself from the throng of people that occupied it earlier.
So this lady got up and moved to the opposite set of seats. Which was when I snapped this picture of her. It was also when I realised that she looked perfectly fine, save for the phantom phone calls.
Having never taken a photo of someone on the train before, the picture below may look a tad off. The lady did look oddly familiar though. Like the lady from Under One Roof, i.e. Andrew's Wife...
posted by FusionStream @ 6:49 AM 0 comments
The World's Smallest Sovereignty
Man-Made Island
Is not recognised by any government.
posted by FusionStream @ 1:36 AM 0 comments
It flew into my room while I was playing dota. Was friggin creepy man... The damn thing flew into my window, then landed on my "box collection" of all the stuff I ever bought (DVD Writer boxes, Motherboard boxes, etc). It then proceeded to weave it's way in between them till I lost sight of it. Not being one to let it go(my box stash was right next to my computer desk and about at my leg level), I bravely stood about a metre away screaming at my brother to go get a container.
When the fucker finally crawled out, I nabbed him courageously by slowly putting the container over it and then jumped very far back after it was contained. Then to trap it in, I, without thought for my own safety, pushed it all the way out into hall to cap it.
Burn MOFO burn.
btw.. mofo means mother f***er rite?
posted by FusionStream @ 11:01 PM 2 comments
I went to my dad's station the other day to take some photos. The Ferrari F1 F2004 was in town.
posted by FusionStream @ 11:01 PM 0 comments
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