Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Teacher's Day.

Today was an interesting day. I woke up at 6 after sleeping at 11... Now I know some of you might say that's nothing but in case you're too ignorant to know, every person has his own minimum hours of mandatory sleep. And mine is 8. lol.

Got ready and took the bus to my old secondary school and it was surprisingly empty.
Then it struck me, how incredibly big the difference is between going from my home to my old secondary school, and the time it takes to go to my new school, Singapore Poly. I wonder would it have been more fun if i had just gone to TP. I know it's just the euphoria of seeing old frens but that question never has stopped nagging in my mind since i applied to SP. Then i remember why i even chose it. My teacher had suggested it saying it had the best track record for graduates.

So anyway i was supposed to meet Wing Tong at 8.45 but he was late. I saw some other old classmates across the road waiting for some other ppl i guess so i walked over to them. Then i realised i had forgotten their names. haha. So I just said 'Hi!" haha.

We realised that some of us hadn't gotten anything for the teachers. So following the tradition that my good friend started and i stupidly didn't buy into, some of us bought a 6-pack of Tiger for Mr Ranjit Singh, the best English teacher out there. And probably one of the funniest. I learnt the phrase Fuck-A-Spider from this guy.. We all did. haha.

So we went in after that and we discovered this stupid security post where everyone has to give his details like it's a bloody condo.

We went upstairs to look for the teachers in the hall as they were having a concert there at that moment. We saw some old teachers including Mr Ranjit who playfully scolded us for buying him beer. haha..

We also saw our principal, Mr Neo, who was all smiles and noted that our batch of students was the best batch ever and because of us, our school was value added. He also said the standards were going up there.

It was also kinda akward that none of us wished Mr Bang, our Vice Principal. I would've done it myself but Wei Yee gave Mr Neo a sunflower but didn't give any to Mr Bang. lol.

And up until now i was sweating like nobody's business, and i looked like an idiot.. haha.. It was freaking hot.

I, having the master key for all the doors in one of the blocks, snuck a peek at an empty classroom just to get that feel back. I just feel more at home with a class of 40. Odd? I know.

After that, I went to take a look up at my old AVA Room and saw that more or less it looked the same. It just didn't feel the same. Everybodys' changed too. Everybodys' got new hairstyles. The kids that used to be in sec 1 while I was around now have grown up and look AND act differently.

Anyway chatted a while with some old frens ad realised that mny actually didn't like Malcolm Tessensohn. This guy is the quintesential role model for a spy. This guy actively pretends to be frens with you and then proceeds to inform other people about what you have said in a manner that makes it sound bad. He esp loves to inform teachers. The bastard.

Nothing much actually happened today. Went out for lunch with some of those old frens and then we went our separate ways, with talk of keeping in touch. haha.

But i really miss those guys. Those were the fun times. I'm not saying that poly sucks through and through but secondary has a higher ratio of good stuff to bad stuff as compared with poly life.


Favourite teachers: (not in order of preference)
Mdm Shareena
Mr Shahril
Mrs Saini(when not teaching. lol)
Mr Tan .......(forgot his full name)
Mr Ranjit Singh.
Mr Kevin Tan
Mr Azam.

FusionStream, out.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


For some sadistic reason i feel compelled to ask you to watch this video.
It has NO porn. NO nudity. NO genitalia. But it IS damn disgusting...

Another reason is also becuz i forgot wat i wanted to blog about. lol

ignore the domain name btw.. i have no idea if the homepage for that website is about porn but, i do know that the following video has none.


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Blk 739.

I split up with Feng He for our IWED grouping the other day. After it all, he was kinda man about it in terms of separating that event from our normal lives. Although he was a bit clingy when even after we sorta agreed to do our projects separately, he still tried to do and say that he doesn't accept us doing it by ourselvse. He got back to his usual annoying(lol) self pretty fast after that.

Today was really eventful.
I released my supposed final version of my CS installer with a bug. lol. Have to rebuild the distribution tonight.

I also skipped my GEMs to go bowling with Weili, Gary and Keewei. My game's improving but only if i don't try and throw the ball at light speed. I so wanna be able to do that, but i just don't have the strength in my fingers to hold on to the ball.I got 127 for my first game, 133 for my second, and 100 for my last attributed to me trying to throw the ball hard because some girls were in the opposite lane. lol.

My shots can be the most boring. Straight down the middle with little or no spinning. For $5 for 3 games plus free shoes, and the lanes being quite well maintained, I'd say that place is a good deal. I'm talking about SPGG btw, the Singapore Polytechnic Graduates Guild.

After that, we decided to play pool, with Gary being our sponsor till we had the money to repay him.
I WON 4 straight games. lol. We played 8-ball TEAM. Where each player from each team takes alternate turns at playing his team's shot. MY first team member was Weili. Then it was with Gary. And then it was twice with Keewei because Weili and Gary wanted to challenge us again.
Weili and Gary only won one game each, both while with me. Haha.. Admittedly, my game with Gary was very lucky. lol.

I also finalised the booking for the boat for's fishing trip. Some of the forum's members wanted to go boat fishing.

After playing pool, Keewei left for the ICT Club i think. The rest of us saw a soccer match about to be played out between ppl wearing the Singapore Jersey and our SP Team. We weren't too sure about staying for a look. We saw this guy giving away free visors at the place but when he offered it to us, we said no thanks cuz it looked so ugly and well, YELLOW. lol.

Long story short, we decided to stay so we went to the opposite side of the field. Little did we know that it was so fucking hot!!!! That was when we wished that we had taken that ugly but life-saving visor.

Some guy told us that if we wanted to sit where we were sitting, that we should sit further away from the gate that was behind us. So we thought, "oh yea, right, we shouldn't obstruct the flow of traffic." Then five minutes later, the fucking VIP walked rite thru that gate that was now about a meter to our right and still behind us. The old of the stadium was looking in our direction. haha...

We saw some other people who were near our area and giving away those same ugly visors and we decided that we should take it. So Weili went and got us some. That visor helped a lot but not enough as our hands were still burning. In fact, when i couldn't stand it anymore, i saw a big umbrella with it's stand about 30 to 35m away so i went and dragged that heavy piece of shade all the way back to where we were sitting.

Overall, the macth was boring with half past six attempts at passing. And it also turned out that the team wearing the Tiger Singapore Jerseys were the FAS Stunners. Who the hell they are is anyone's guess but as you can tell, the're probably just some FAS Employees who work day jobs and play on the weekends. lol. The match ended in a draw and a PK Shootout ensued.

Every team scored one goal at their turn.... except for the last shot. Where this dumbass SP player kicked the ball way over the net. And that was that. SP lost.

Cheers and good nite.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


So I'm sitting in the lab rite now. And this lecturer with a helluva mood cycle turns up. So i close my CS game that I'm playing.

It so happens that this CS Game that I was playing was being hosted in, apparently, T2033 of my school. It also appeared to have been installed with the installer that i created.

So I'm like, holy shit. How the hell did it get so far? I created this installer initially for my classmates, how the hell did it get all the way there.

I'm like, i need to kill this off, or at least give them the updated version of my installer. There's some serious issues with the old installer.

But the bottom line is I NEED CONTROL.
With control, I can give them the necessary updates easilly. But this way, they'll never be able to kill us off. I'm hoping that with time, this newer installer will gradually find it's way everywhere.

I had earlier tried to implement a way that once the installer was run, the install program would be deleted so that the game couldn't spread dynamically. I'll probably be implementing one in my next version though.

Talk about having an impact on the people around you.

SO I'll just say it now. I AM PARADOX. I am the God of finding your way around barriers. Did you know that i created a CS Map after the com labs in SP? It's included in the new installer.
-> PCS-2.75

I also go by a few other nicks that i have found to be unique. So if i catch u using my name you'll be in for an ass whooping.

This stuff's become serious shit man. My name's all over that installer.

Pretty soon, I'll doing something about those game files. soon.

IMO, the lab techs are kewl guys, who only occasionally stop us now and then because it's their job. But most of us can see that deep down, some of the lab techs really wanna join us. But apparently their higher-ups know about this shit cuz they've begun posting signs about "No Games allowed" all over the room.

About a year back, i suggested to that they open one of the labs for gaming cuz i had enjoyed it when the labwas opened previously. You know what they did? THey converted an old lab to a gaming room but they want us to pay them.

Now, imo, the only reason they ain't doing anything about us now is because all we need to do is question why they would dedicate a whole room of valuable equipment solely to gaming.

Joe thinks this post is lame but i just gotta say, no one can stop us, let alone me. lol.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


I hate doing a full fledged site/program in flash.

Anything that wasn't meant to be event based shouldn't have a timeline as it's main feature. Not following? In my opinion, anything that has a timeline is supposed to be for a movie or moving images.

Stupid crap. I stayed up till about four today and then all of a sudden one of my buttons decides to disappear, together with the graphic symbol for that button too.

Stupid flash. I swear that I'll only stick to making buttons and movies with flash and just stick to proper web code like PHP.

Flash is something you have to plan for and then execture according to that plan. I'm not that kind of person. I update, tweak and enhance everything on the fly, even before the other stuff's been completed. It's worked fine for me before so I'm sticking to it.

The video file of my dog was reuploaded.
A new song has been added to the playlist. Lifehouse's You and Me. It's very nice.... :p

Sunday, August 14, 2005


Tot i might post this too, for those who are interested in my dog.

This was taken a while back.

No streaming media here because of the size of the file, 16.7 Mb. So the link is here, right click and save it.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

InsaneParodies(Not descriptive of content)

So I'm blogging during my free time again. yup.. during my lessons.. haha..There is a reason that Poly is so much easier to get in than JC u noe... The general level of higher intellect just isn't there... :p

I'd just like to state for the world, or for the ppl who actually read this blog (so far it's been 1 person totalled. :p), my current favourite shows are:

Arrested Development - The Ultimate in subtleties and sarcasm and oxymorons... :) Just beautiful. It's the brainchild of Ron Howard. Some of you may noe him from Happy Days as Richie. He also directed a number of other prominent movies and as of late, and i'm not too happy about this one, The Da Vinci Code. The most controversial and fictitous book - and now movie - ever. It's basically all full of lies and yet the book starts with "The following is all true". That dick Dan Brown supposedly also cannot even write stories properly. In fact his editor got so pissed with him because of it. The style of writing is especially anti-Christian and his obsession with it makes it even boring for the non-Christian. There's so many parts where he basically just feeds ppl pure tales with no effort of story telling. Dumb dickhead. This pissfuck doesn't even noe how to defame ppl. This is just another example of how anti-Christians justify themselves with baseless shit.

Anywayz, this show has gotten so many awards but oddly, the TV ratings just aren't there... very odd indeed.

Stargate SG-1 - This is another kewl show which although categorised under SciFi should actually be under Comedy. Sarcasm and wit in this show are just hilarious. And the special effects are absolutely superb. Any dick who says it sucks without even watching it is bascially a pisspot with balls for brains.

Stargate Atlantis - This is a spin off of the above show and has a little more tech in it but the charaters in this show are less techy than the above... haha. Basically they find a grand city that was originally built by the Ancients, an ancient race of brillianty advanced first generation humans but it's in another galaxy. They of course have certain problems here and there...

Everwood - The best family show ever and the most touching. The episodes often bring me to the brink of crying. And let me tell you that i'm not a crying man. This show is so damn powerful. You think of a normal touching show or a family show and you'd be thinking of something that wasn't like Everwood at all and yet that's what I'd classify Everwood as. It's just that good. And the theme song. I say man!!! Not something you'd go to sleep with, but it's so perfect for the show. Order in chaos. When I sit back and just listen to it, I get goosebumps. The fella who composed it was a bloody genius, I'd say!

Joey - The best thing i can compare it with is something like the office but it's way less painful. Unlike the office that makes and builds up a scene with so many "stupid/lame" sorta comedy events that it becomes so painful to actually watch. The characters stupidity and constant lack of "advancement in his life" makes me almost want to cry and beat the TV when i watch it. Joey however does have advancements in life and so i enjoy it. Esp since the chicks are drop dead gorgeous. *Begins to think of Sara*. She's so damn perfect. But of course u noe it's only a show. But if I ever met a girl like that, even if there was one who was prettier I'd still stay with her. But away from my fantasy, and a helluva lot more of beautifful chicks. And in that make believe world that is Joey, all the chicks are perfect. esp.. sara *sob*sob..

The 4400 - Another brilliant show that has a scifi influence in it but isn't. If you hate watching boring old aliens(with the exception of the Asgard from Stargate), then this is the show for you. I love shows that have many characters and if the writers develop them well, it gives the show a lot of depth and I love that. They were'nt abducted by Aliens btw and that makes it way more fun than Roswell.

- More details about this show to come soon. I lost a lot of info in the "loss of my post". All I can say now is that season 2 is coming out this month and that every single thign you see in the show is important including the French song La mer, to the names that the characters were given.

Firefly - This is another show set in the future with space ships and stuff but without the fucking aliens. haha.. It's so fresh. It's like The 4400 and Lost with multiple main characters. The TV Ratings weren't all too good but the DVD sales were brilliant so be prepared for a Feature Film very soon. The background of the story is also quite smart. The Chinese and the Americans were the only main cultures left standing. And oh yeah, apparently earth was destroyed too.

I know that not everybody liks rock music so my next "online compendium" of music will be a mix of nice slow music to pop to rock.

Heard of Joe Purdy? Maybe you have but not in the way u think? Remember the guy who sang a song on Lost and has a voice that sounds like the fella from Lifehouse? Yep.. that's him...

In the mean time, here's a joke for yer...
The kids filed back into class Monday morning. They were very excited. Their weekend assignment was to sell something, then give a talk on productive salesmanship.Little Sally led off: "I sold girl scout cookies and I made $30," she said proudly, "My sales approach was to appeal to the customer's civil spirit and I credit that approach for my obvious success.""Very good," said the teacher.Little Jenny was next: "I sold magazines," she said, "I made $45 and I explained to everyone that magazines would keep them up on current events.""Very good, Jenny," said the teacher.Eventually, it was Little Johnny's turn. The teacher held her breath. Little Johnny walked to the front of the classroom and dumped a box full of cash on the teacher's desk. "$2,467," he said."$2,467!" cried the teacher, "What in the world were you selling?""Toothbrushes," said Little Johnny."Toothbrushes," echoed the teacher, "How could you possibly sell enough tooth brushes to make that much money?""I found the busiest corner in town," said Little Johnny, "I set up a Dip & Chip stand. I gave everybody who walked by a sample. They all said the same thing, "Hey, this tastes like shit!" Then I would say, "It is shit. Wanna buy a toothbrush?"

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Hey baby. I come from the projects.

I actually had one post ready for erm, posting, but the damn server somehow lost my stupid post. This pissed me off greatly and so i haven't blogged for a while.. In it was lots of info about my fav shows and current happenings. You would've found it pretty interesting.. I esp had lotsa stuff about the latest show Lost and The 4400, from the meaning of the names given to the characters, to the fact that Season 2 of Lost is coming out on the 27th of August this year although it's yet to be finalised. I also put in some stuff about how i almost cried after watching one of the episodes of one of those shows... :-)

And so i'm finally blogging in the only free time that i have. During my lessons.

The only thing is, i dunnoe what i'm going to blog about anymore... :p

Well, i'll say this. My cute little chihuahua is growing bigger again... :-). Which also unfortunately means that she'll be reaching puberty soon which means that we'll be having little pools of red stuff all over the floor pretty soon. I'll be like, "Mom, i think i'll clean the shit instead...!"

That the trade-off between male and female dogs. Male dogs hump. Female dogs bleed. And i don't think sticking a tampon up her *** is gonna do much good cuz i doubt she'll realise that that wasn't put there as a "reward".

Everybody was pretty relaxed today. Our IWED teacher also decided to do a little stand up comedy, making fun of certain people who're in the hospital and another whose name is similar to Clementi. Jinghao is in the hospital, apparently having brain surgery and also having a sex change. Haha. Don't blame the messenger man! It's all him. haha... Russell peters live in Singapore! haha...

Somebody is a gonna get a hurt a real bad. Somebody. :-)

I recently joined the Temasek Poly fishing club and I think that that is gonna be pretty kewl.
